To provide relatively quick, convenient, nutritional, high quality, reasonably priced food products served in a friendly, pleasant customer-centered atmosphere to Butte College students, faculty, staff and the general public.
Dining Services enjoys a strong reputation among students, faculty and staff. We provide the District with a quality product at a fair price in three separate locations: Main Campus dining, Wired Caf� & Roadrunner Outpos. Additionally, our catering services operation continues to enhance its reputation of excellence, and we also maintain campus vending services and gymnasium concessions. The staff is professional, well-trained, safety certified, and dedicated to making Dining Services the type of operation of which Butte College can be proud. Due to COVID Dining Services is not meeting it's financial obligation. Administrative Unit Outcomes (AUOs): The performance standards to be met include operating as efficiently as possible to become financially independent. Assessment Method: The assessment method used to evaluate whether or not the AUOs are being met is the end of the year financial statement as well as the feedback from the biannual Administration Customer Satisfaction Survey. Dining Services offers student employment opportunities to Butte students that maintain a minimum of 6 units. Working in a face paced, team environment helps prepare our students for future employment. Other Items: n/a
Dining Services does Administrative Program Review on an annual basis through the unit planning process.
Strategy 1 - Increase professional development
Achieve high staff morale
Increase cross training so students are able to support not only their own area of responsibility but support fellow employees thus enhancing the customer experience. This will also help create self-worth in the work place giving our students the confidence they need when they move on to the next job or career.
Strategy 2 - Decrease energy usage
Source more local, healthy and sustainable food products
By sourcing more local and sustainable foods we can help reduce our carbon footprint while meeting the needs of the campus community.
Strategy 3 - Increase dining options
Create more options for our campus community, thus increasing choices as well as sales.
We have a very captive audiance being a commuter campus. By offering more variety to our staff and students we give them greater choices and stronger realtionships; this will in turn increase dining sales.
Strategy 4 - Maximize student labor
Be vigilant in keeping student labor at a resonable level.
One of the only controllable costs available to Dining Services is student labor. It is imperative to keep it at its lowest level without sacraficing customer service. With the increase of minimum wage we must maximize each student labor hour as well as utilize FWS funds. We must continue to source a more affordable and efficient way of doing business. Provide cross training to students to encourage better team work. This also will teach student multi-tasking necessary for their future endeavors.
Strategy 5 - Increase Healthy dining options
Increase healthy options; increase options at lower cost to our customer.
Increase offerings to include healthy, vegetarian & vegan options while maintaining reasonable market prices. Increase Grab n Go items at a lower cost to our customer. Continue to source more local products. Utilize customer feedback to increase our selections. It is imperative that the business does all it can to achieve customer satisfaction to ensure success.
Dining Services has no non-financial requests
As an entity of Auxiliary Services, Dining Services is a self-supporting operation. We endeavor to meet all of our own financial obligations including employee salaries and benefits. Over the past couple years Dining Services has become finacially independent of the Bookstore. Though revenue in Dining Services has increased steadily over the past few years, it appears that sales growth will begin to slow as the student population shrinks and minimum wage rises. We will continue to source new potential revenue streams while operating as efficiently as possible. Because external funding is not an option Dining Services will begin talks of a new dining location located at the gym concessions. Due to COVID Dining Services will rely on Federal Relief and/or district funding to meet our financial obligation.